Pulse crops of the world and their important insect pests. Thesis (M.Sc.)


Pulse crops of the world and their important insect pests. Thesis (M.Sc.) - Burnaby, CA Simon Fraser University 1973 - 134 p

Las leguminosas del grano son un fuente importante de proteina para la mayor parte de la poblacion del mundo. Se presenta informacion basica y referencias seleccionadas que un asistente tecnico encontraria utiles al trabajar con un sistema de cultivo de leguminosas de grano que desconozca y sus plagas. Inicialmente se resumen datos agronomicos, economicos y nutricionales de 14 especies de leguminosas de grano, incluyendo Phaseolus. Se dan las referencias de fuentes de informacion de estas 14 especies y otras 15. Posteriormente se identifican los generos y especies de insectos que son plagas importantes. Se clasifican aproximadamente 220 especies de insectos y artropodos relacionados, y se indica su nombre comun, hospedantes y referencias seleccionadas. Se describen mas detalladamente 3 especies que son representativas de problemas comunes, incluyendo su biologia, ecologia y control. Estas plagas son Bemisia tabaci (Genn,) (Homoptera; Aleyrodidae), Heliothis armigera (Hubner) Lepidoptera; Noctuidae) y Ophiomya (Melanagromyza) phaseoli: (Tryon) (Diptera; Agromyzidae). Por ultimo, se discute el estado actual y posibilidades del manejo de plagas en leguminosas de grano y se incluye informacion sobre diversas instituciones internacionalmente importantes que adelantan trabajos al respecto. (RA-CIAT) Pulse crops (grain legumes) are an increasingly important source of protein for a majority of the world's people. This paper provides background information and selected references that a pest manager would find useful when working with an unfamiliar cropping system of pulses and their insect pests. The 1st chapter summarizes agronomic, economic and nutritional data on 14 major species of pulses, including Phaseolus. References are provided to souces of information on these and 15 other important species. The 2nd chapter indentifies the insect genera and species that are important pests. Approx. 220 species of insects and related arthropods are catalogued indicating common name, commonly damaged pulse crop hosts and selected references. Three species that 245 are representative of common types of pest problems are described more thoroughly in terms of their biology, ecology and control. These are Bemisia tabaci (Genn.)(Homoptera: Alyrodidae), Heliothis armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and Ophiomyia (=Melanagromyza) phaseoli (Tryon) (Diptera: Agromyzidae). The concluding chapter discusses the status and possibilities of pest management on pulse crops and provides information on several internationally important institutions that are conducting such work. (AS)

Phaseolus vulgaris
Insect control

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