Experimentation with a beef production model for the savannas of Colombia

Thornton, P.K.

Experimentation with a beef production model for the savannas of Colombia - Cali, CO Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) 1987 - 159 p - Cattle production systems simulation project document no. 6 .

Experimentation with a computer-based simulation model of the extensive beef operations found in the savannas of Colombia is described. The model was outlined in another document. The experimentation considered consists of the following: a brief survey of validation work and sensitivity analysis carried out for the original beef model at Reading University, a description of the validation work carried out in Colombia to adapt it to local conditions, description and results of further sensitivity analysis of interest, and the experimental program.proper. This is in two parts: a description of initial work with a large number of possible management strategies, and the results of crude risk analysis on the most promising alternatives. The document concludes with a Consideration of further work needed and some general conclusions. (RA).

Beef cattle
Simulation models
Ganado de carne
Modelos de simulación

Technical reports Informes técnicos Tropileche CIAT Editor Ganadería Animal husbandry Books and Monographs

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